Support Your Sheriff and Help
Your Community By Becoming
an Honorary Member of The
Georgia Sheriffs’ Association
Honorary Membership
Become an Honorary Member and Support Your Sheriff
Honorary Membership funds are used to provide training for sheriffs and their staff that otherwise would not be available. Such training includes court services, domestic violence, jail administration, sex offender registry, and much more.
In addition, Honorary Members also gain benefits from their membership to include:
- A personalized Honorary Membership card
- Bumper stickers
- Windows decals
- Subscription to our quarterly magazine The Georgia Sheriff

Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE)
Since the early 1950s, the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association has existed to support the Office of Sheriff through training, technical and operational support, legal assistance and…
All Lives Matter
The article below appeared on page 31 in the August 2016 edition of The Georgia Sheriff. The entire magazine can be viewed here.
Body Worn Cameras
The position of the GSA is to aggressively OPPOSE any state mandate requiring that all sheriffs’ offices provide body worn cameras to all deputy sheriffs…
Second Amendment
Position on the Gun Debate The sheriffs took an oath to support the Constitution and will stand by the 2nd Amendment. The sheriffs will aggressively…
Medical Cannabis
The position of the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association concerning marijuana and medical cannabis is as follows: OPPOSE the legalization of marijuana for all social, recreational or…